Thursday, June 23, 2011

i am envious of those people who are not afraid to say nice things about themselves.
they kind of piss me off too
but i know that's just the jealousy speaking up.

talking about myself makes me kind of
mostly because i don't want anyone to think i'm a poseur
or too egotistical
so when people ask me what i do i just kind of
hum & nod
and hope they can't think anything about me except that
i might be deaf
or stupid.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I forgot

about this, until now. mostly because a lady I know recently created a blog ( right here on blogger...bloooooooog...anyway.
i've crossed over to the simple side (

check this shit out:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


so I -

feel, that I often prove my unreliability without even having to try. without even thinking of it.
now, that's a rather remarkably reliable trait. goes to work without me even asking.
it's almost flattering.

Today the Boy & I went to all the stores we could think of, ended up with a box of 50 animal shaped cookie cutters & various grocery items. it's good, I like having things in the kitchen. oftentimes I fantasize about having a private room for all of my pastry making needs....what a dream.

&now, it's time for school again. I'm not happy about it or the weather.

Bennett, my future dog. Always ready for inclement weather.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


sometimes when I'm on campus I hear what other students are saying to eachother.
usually it causes me to be so stoked about not involving myself with student life, that i do a little two step & wiggle my eyebrows, hoping that everyone can see me from the bare corner of their eyes and question the validity of that memory, forever.

we are all honest while sleeping.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


David peeled his outer layer t-shirt off of his body. The body which had been delicately slimmed by an absence of nutrients and excessive stress, oh, his neglected body.

"You guy's are drinkin' a lot of sodas....nsffpam..."

Just 30 minutes earlier he could have been in on the whole deal.
And why the fuck do we have so much soda? I can't even finish a whole soda. Never have.
The carbonation feels uncomfortable in my mouth.

"You should be the voice of a ninja turtle."

an answer for the man to my left :

yes, Chris Bearden. When you burp smoke in my face,
it upsets me.